If among your good intentions for the New Year is to remodel your home, whether it is to change some small furniture or completely revolutionize an entire room, you can not miss this article, in which we will tell you what are the furniture trends for 2023.

le tendenze nel mondo dell'arredamento nel 2023

The New Year has arrived and you can’t not think about what will be the trends for the furniture world for this 2023.

If among your good intentions for the New Year is to remodel your home, whether it is to change some small furniture or completely revolutionize an entire room, you can not miss this article, in which we will tell you what are the furniture trends for 2023.

le tendenze del mondo dell'arredamento nel 2023

Three key words: minimalism, sinuosity and lightness.

After two years of pandemic in the house we definitely need joy, lightness.
Our house has been for months a safe place, where we feel protected and where we spent moments of sharing in the family, which perhaps it was for some time that we had no way to spend, because of a busy life and always rush.

Spending a long period locked up in the home has certainly changed the relationship we have built up to now with our home. In fact, we needed our home to become even more our accomplice during the lockdown and to adapt quickly to new needs, first of all smart working and distance learning for children.

For this reason, the trends of the new year could not fail to take into account these needs, creating and experimenting furniture and accessories multifunctional, to create a modern home that acts as a relaxation area, but also from office, class and why not even small gym.


The minimal style will be for this year the trendy style in the world of home decor.
Lessi s more is undoubtedly the motto that will resonate in the ears of interior design in this 2023.

Furniture with simple, essential lines that combine elegance and practicality. Complements can furnish large spaces without creating disorder, but leaving freedom of movement and giving ample breath to the context.

Each object therefore needs something and the space that remains free becomes vital to move. Not only that, having empty spaces helps us to confer a kind of mental peace, which is given to us by the feeling of being surrounded by order, calm and tranquility.

The colors chosen are also in this case essential, sober: from white to black up to the shades of gray.
Other shades, however, make space, first of all green, pastel shades.

Green is definitely among the main trendy colors in the world of interior design for this 2023, a shade reminiscent of grassy meadows and the scent of the forest, which puts us in contact with nature and that gives us a feeling of relaxation.

verde la tonalità di tendenza nel mondo dell'arredamento 2023

On the same wavelength we will also find in our homes a hint of cobalt blue, an intense color that creates a perfect match with the aforementioned neutral shades and that gives the environment energy, vitality and at the same time gives us a feeling of peace and tranquility. For a bright and relaxed style.

mensole in metallo MAREA blu cobalto tendenza arredo 2023

Among the most trendy materials we will certainly find the inevitable wood, which transmits warmth to the environment, combined with cooler materials with contemporary design such as metal and glass.

The metal in particular will continue to stand out in this 2023, which is opposed to the warm colors of wood.

To complete this perfect mix we will certainly find the concrete walls, which with their natural tones, will frame elements and furnishings, minimal design and at the same time industrial, that mix together vintage and modern in efficient combinations with a strong personality.


Another trend that continues to grow this year and that is closely linked to the concept of sustainability and the desire to recreate a strong contact with nature is to create a furniture with sinuous shapes, curves and soft. Elements reminiscent of stones, flower petals and that give the context a warm and enveloping feeling.

This design concept will surely be found on sofas, armchairs, niches, but also mirrors.
The desire is to create a home that is simple, functional, but at the same time warm, that makes us feel safe and where we can relax after a busy day.

linee morbide e sinuose tendenza mondo arredamento 2023


To frame the 2023 furniture trends, there is a fundamental concept that encompasses everything: lightness.
Lightness in shapes, choice of materials, colors, but also in the atmosphere that must be created at home.

People are increasingly looking for a place in their home where they can take a break, a place where they can disconnect from everyday life and relax.

The fact of having a minimalist environment that surrounds us, simple, clean and with the right color shades, certainly helps our mind to find a moment of peace that allows us to regenerate and recharge.


These are just some of the 2023 trends in interior design, we just have to discover together what will happen and especially try to experiment with the ideas that most reflect us to give again this year a fresh and modern touch to the place we love: our home.

Updated: Published: